
Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) IN St.LOUIS, MO

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Woman Holding Backside Pearl Necklace | Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO


Prick your bum for a natural-looking lift. At PRICK’D, we offer a non-invasive alternative to surgical implants and fat transfers to give you a shapelier backside. Using an FDA-approved filler made up of poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra stimulates collagen production, which creates volume from within.

Why You'll Love it?

  • Enhances volume for natural shape & contour

  • Creates plumping effect

  • No incisions or implants

  • Stimulates collagen production

The Choice is Yours

This is a fully customized treatment that requires a consultation for exact pricing. Schedule a consultation and get all your questions answered.

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO


Pricing starts at $250

$150 Deposit required to book an

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO


Pricing starts at $8000

$150 Deposit required to book an

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO


Pricing starts at $250

$150 Deposit required to book an

Prick Your Curiosity

Before your treatment even begins, you'll have a one-on-one consultation with our expert Prickster to discuss your concerns and tailor a plan that's just right for you. To ensure you're as comfortable as possible, we'll apply a topical numbing cream to the areas that will be treated. Then comes the fun part: a series of carefully administered pricks designed to add volume exactly where you want it, giving your bum that rounded, plump look you've been dreaming of. These pricks are more than just skin-deep; they deliver specialized fillers that provide immediate volume and stimulate collagen production for longer-lasting results. It's a comprehensive approach to booty enhancement, all designed to make you look and feel fabulous.

Results can differ from person to person, largely because building that perfect volume is a process that involves multiple pricks over time. However, you won't have to wait too long to start seeing changes. Within a few months, as the product works its magic to boost collagen production in the treated areas, you'll begin to notice a more voluptuous and lifted appearance. But what really sets this treatment apart is how natural the results look and feel. You won't just get added volume; you'll get a beautifully rounded, natural-looking contour that enhances your backside in all the right ways.

Sculptra offers results lasting up to two years, giving you plenty of time to enjoy your enhanced look. But like all good things, it's not entirely set-and-forget. To keep that youthful, lifted appearance going strong, we recommend maintenance treatments. Think of these as your beauty tune-ups, designed to preserve and even enhance the results you've come to love.

No air-filled donut pillow is needed here. Our non-invasive Brazilian Butt Lift requires minimal downtime. You can return to work the next day and resume your exercise routine after three days.

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