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Girl Hugging her Legs | Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO


Are you ready to be saved from the signs of aging? Sciton’s newest advancement in BBL technology is the HERO, which stands for High Energy Rapid Output. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, and able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this quick and effective Broad Band Light (BBL) is the go-to treatment for a variety of skin conditions on the body associated with aging, sun damage, and acne scarring.

Why You'll Love it?

  • Reduces scarring caused by acne

  • Repairs sun damage & freckles for even skin tone

  • Treats skin laxity

  • Enhances collagen production

The Choice is Yours

We’d love to tell you all the options, but there are too many to list. Treatment areas, times, and prices vary. So, here are some of them, but please ask about the others:

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO


Pricing starts at $700

Pricing starts at $1350

$250 Deposit required to book an appointment.

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO


Pricing starts at $500

$250 Deposit required to book an appointment.

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO

Full arms

Pricing starts at $650

Pricing starts at $550

$250 Deposit required to book an appointment.

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO

Full Legs

Pricing starts at $850

Pricing starts at $1500

$250 Deposit required to book an appointment.

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO


Pricing starts at $350

$250 Deposit required to book an appointment.

Black Prick'd Medspa in St. Louis, MO

Individual Spots

Pricing starts at $150

$150 Deposit required to book an appointment.

Schedule a consultation and get all your questions answered.

Prick Your Curiosity

The BBL HERO truly has a superpower. With its increased speed, the HERO covers large surface areas in record time. It also has the ability to treat a number of skin conditions in a single treatment. With great BBL power comes a greater result in the fight to improve aging, scarred, and damaged skin. The BBL Hero commonly treats:

  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles

  • Sun Damage and Age Spots

  • Hyperpigmentation

  • Rosacea and Redness

  • Acne Scars

  • Uneven Skin Tone

  • Enlarged Pores

  • Skin Laxity

  • Vascular Lesions

  • Freckles

With our ability to treat multiple skin conditions, the BBL HERO is customized to meet your specific concerns. You will notice an improvement in texture that will be smooth to the touch collagen production that will tighten loose skin and even out your skin tone from years of damage.

You will see visible improvement within weeks, with continued results over time. As we age, so does our body, but with follow-up maintenance, you can defy the aging process for as long as you need.

The BBL HERO is safe with zero downtime. You can resume usual activities right away with very little post-care maintenance.

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